Anna: Hey you wanna try this?
Ashley: Is it cool if I try?
Anna: Oh of course…everyone does it!!
Ashley: Then what is the reason for me to try it?
Anna: You wanna do it or no?
Ashley: Ok fine I will
Doesn’t that conversation sound familiar. Well do you feel like Anna or Ashley. Whoever you are. Both of them are suffering from peer pressure and here s the hint for you to overcome it!!!
... we are all teenagers and even though we like to put up a grown up attitude, we are still people who deal with issues which are immature and serious at the same time. Issues like peer pressure and insecurities of being oursleves.
I wonder, how many of us look into the mirror and say with confidence that "I'm the best anyone can ever get. "
Not many.. We all deal with insecurities at some point of time in our life.
You pick up a fashion magazine to get tips on how you can look super gorgeous for your next date and what do you see are the super models whith a 10/10 figure, amazing complexion and gorgeous faces!
Whatever little appreciation you had for yourself goes down the drain compared to them. If you think about it, all that these beauty magazines tryin to promote is low self esteem and we are the ones helping them to do it and make millions ofmoney thrashing our confidence down.. funny, isnt it?

so why do we let them? why are we so insecured about ourselves.. our looks, our things and about being popular..? the answer is peer pressure.
Peer pressure can be good or bad, depends on you ti decide what is good for you. Many of us give in to negative peer presure because of their desires to be liked and to be fit into the group. Most of us feel.. that just because everybody is doing the wrong thing maybe if i do it too it would make me feel accepted.
We all have been given the gift of instinct and judgement but we so conveniently choose to ignore it when our so called friends tell us to try having a cigarette just for the fun of breaking the rules. And you actually find so many people around who actually do that.. the only question to them you really feel good about yourself?
some might think that now they are a part of the 'happening' crowd so its okay but somewhere we are just letting ourselves down.
And when you let yourself bend according to others a part of your soul is lost, you let your insecurites rule you and you don't see the beauty within yourself.

Yes..we all got to improve in the best way we can.. we blindly believe that if the popular people can do wrong things accepting them will make us popular too.
Why can't we just let go off our insecurities? Search the good qualities in you. You can be a good dancer, a good writer, or the most helpful and caring person in your group. In the long run these are the things which will help you to feel good about yourself. All you need is to have a big heart and for you to believe in yourself.
We are all born to create a difference in this world, be it big or small. But all these deeds start with having a good heart. And its your personality nd your deeds that is gonna make you a 'cool' person and not how you fit in the crowd.
Its not easy to resist negative peer pressure but when you do its easy to feel good about it afterwards and you may even have a positive influence on your peers who feel the same way.
Though we all are competing with eachother once alotta times but we all need to remember that no matter how much pressure your friends put on you, only your judgement knows what is best for you.
And that is when you can look at yourself in the mirror and be able to say,
"I'm the best anyone can ever get!"
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